Fuji X-Pro1 kaizen

When Fuji X-Pro1 was intorduced, reviews criticized it for plenty of performance and usability problems. Fuji released the camera half-baked and let the users do the final testing. Then they released several firmware updates, to make the camera at least somewhat more usable, and save the company from an economic disaster.

They tried it first time with the original x100, which became a completely differnet camera after multiple firmware improvements. This is when the legend of Fujifilm "kaizen" was born. I don't think Fuji meant to keep releasing firmware improvements, but thay just couldn't avoid it if they wanted to improve sales. And the camera owners got used to it and Fuji couldn't just stop it without losing customers. Or maybe they reailzed that they can make it their competitive advantage...

Anyway, with X-Pro1 it was just fixing bugs and adding features that should have been there from the beginning. You can check the changelog to see how many things they had to fix after releasing the camera. The DPReview tested the camera shortly after it was released and summed up their findings here.

The last new feature was added in version 3.40 just before christmas 2014. It was the addition of "AF+MF". That is when they oficially stopped improving the camera. The later firmware updates just add compatibility with new lenses.

I still feel the camera has been left unfinished. Here is a list of features the camera is still missing, which could have been easily added:

  1. paralax compensation of bright frame in OVF during manual focussing
    The camera knows exactly at what distance the lens is focussed, because it shows it on the distance scale in viewfinder, yet the bright frame remains unchanged until you half-press the shutter. Only then it moves the bright frame. They implemented this in x100t.
  2. customization of buttons
    Later camera models have the possibility to assign shortcuts to most of the buttons on the back of the body. X-Pro1 can customize only 2 buttons: DOWN button of the 4-way selector, and an Fn button on top near shutter release. If the UP button is reserved for macro, there are still LEFT and RIGHT buttons left unused, not to mention the 3 buttons on the left side of the screen, and the rear dial push.
  3. the option to correct legacy manual focus lens distortion and light fall-off
    The option is implemented in the firmware, but is locked unless you use Fujifilm's own special FX to Leica M mount with electronic contacts and a button. I don't think they sell many of these adapters, so the menu option is locked for most photographers who use third party adapters. And since Fuji does not make adapter for other mounts than Leica M, nobody is able to use the lens corrections with legacy Pentax K, Nikon F or Olympus OM lenses.
  4. customizable Q-menu
    something the later cameras have.
I have tried the X-Pro2 once in a shop, and if I remember correctly, the (1) and (3) are the same, although the most buttons are completely customizable on the new body (2) as well as Q-menu (4).

I understand that the camera is limited by its hardware, and it is impossible to improve autofocus much if the sensor readout speed, or the CPU are limited, or add phase detection, just as you can't increase back LCD or viewfinder LCD resolution, but the missing features I have mentioned is just a question of firmware. 

Now that all X-Pro1 cameras have been sold, there is no motivation for Fuji to improve it anymore, and I know these firmware improvements will never be released, but I just had to share my thoughts on this.


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